Why Google Switching To HTML5 from Flash?

Google has been in favour of replacing Flash with HTML5, that allows quicker load times, lower power consumption and an overall richer experience. Flash had been excluded from Google’s advertising network already, and now everything on Google Chrome will be supported by HTML5.

Hyper Text Markup Language 5 (HTML5) is used to create websites and media content that is generally very light and fast. But, Flash uses to support things like page analytics, that make the processing speed slow and worsens the user experience.

Now users needed to download the plugin to view the flash content. But in the case of HTML5 it works without downloading any additional plugin to view the content. And HTML5 works on smartphones and devices that do not even support Flash.

From September, the latest version Google Chrome 53 will begin to block any flash content on its application. Google’s blog mentions, “HTML5 is much lighter and faster, and publishers are switching over to speed up page loading and save you more battery life. You’ll see an improvement in responsiveness and efficiency for many sites.”

If you’re on Google Chrome, you might have to say bye-bye to your favourite websites that use Flash content only, unless you are okay with enabling Flash every time. This will also affect millions of people who play games and just browse content supported by Flash.

From December 2016, Chrome 55 will make HTML5 the default experience, except for websites that only use Flash. From 2017, you’ll be prompted to enable flash one a one-by-one basis, depending on the website, since all websites will be HTML5 by default.

Google is also encouraging developers to switch to HTML5 from Flash as it sees a lot of advantages. If you’re not happy with this decision from Google, you can definitely switch to other browsers like Opera Mini and Firefox that use Flash by default.


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